Sunday, August 18, 2013

Vocabulary #1

adumbrate: The violence that has recently occurred in Egypt adumbrate future tension between the military and the protesters.

apotheosis: Members of cults believed their leader was the reincarnation of Jesus and treated him like an apotheosis.

ascetic: Buddhist monks live such an ascetic lifestyle to become extremely disciplined.

bauble: When I went to New York, I got various little baubles at souvenir stores for my family and friends.

beguile: The waitress at the restaurant beguiled  me into believing she genuinely cared about me to leave her a bigger tip.

burgeon: The company burgeoned quite quickly; within a a couple years of its founding, it was already a Fortune 500 company.

complement: Girls tend to brush off complements, even if they are completely genuine.

contumacious: The contumacious teenager tried running from the police. When that failed, he was tackled to the ground but that didn't prevent him from spitting in the officer's face.

curmudgeon: When I do not get enough sleep, I become a curmudgeon, threatening to rip people's heads off.

didactic: The talks we have in Dr. Preston's class are often extremely didactic; I never leave his class without knowing something new.

disingenuous: Many people at Righetti are extremely disingenuous, they form facades to conform to the social norms for fear of being ostracized.

exculpate: No matter how hard Atticus tried to exculpate Tom Robinson from the seemingly impossible crime he couldn't have possibly committed, the jury found Tom guilty.

faux pas: I commited a terrible faux pas when I told my close friend I was not too fond of Erik, who happened to be standing behind me.

fulminate: The Republican politician began to fulminate as soon as someone proposed a tax hike.

fustian: You could tell by the speaker's fustian that he was full of himself as well as hot air.\

hauteur: Kanye West has such a hauteur to him, he entitled a song "I am a God".
inhibit: They placed the man in handcuffs and sat him down to inhibit him from escaping.

jeremiad: The soap box preachers on street corners often read a jeremiad that laments the state of current society and damn us all to hell.

opportunist: Many entrepreneurs are opportunists; they look at the market and make decisions that maximize their profit.

unconscionable: The police showed unconscionable force on the peaceful protesters.

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