Tuesday, October 29, 2013


  • A) I didn't know that Google and Facebook edited things out to suite your specific interests and ideologies. I knew that they did, however, show you adds of stores and companies you like (meaning they KNOW your personal information (shouldn't be a shocker to anyone)). I didn't know the stark dichotomy between two people's Google search queries. That was a but shocking to be honest.
  • B) If I wasn't paranoid that Big Brother was watching before, I am now. Bust out the tinfoil caps! But in all seriousness, it makes me a little less trustworthy of the content I see on the web and whether it's truthful or if they're not showing me the full story. I just actually searched up Egypt to see what my results were and sure enough, a bunch of news links popped up (given, I am somewhat of a news junky).
  • C) Is it ethical to do such a thing? Is the algorithm used for good? Or is it used for evil (ie selling your information to mega-corporations all for money)? What are the implications of this search bias? Does it lead to ignorance and perhaps, an overwhelming sense of correctness?
  • D) By being more specific with my search words as well as checking pages other than just the first page of results.

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