Sunday, April 13, 2014


  • Scene 1: Three witches talking about when they'll reunite; they agree to meet up after the battle. 
  • "fair is foul, foul is fair" 
  • Scene 2: After the battle, King Duncan enters with his sons (Lennox, Donalbain, and Malcolm) 
  • see bloodied Captain, who talks about a ruthless and courageous warrior named Macbeth. 
  • They find out the thanof Cawdor is a traitor; the king decides to execute him, his title given to the brave Macbeth. 
  • Scene 3: The witches reconvene; Macbeth and Banquo enter and see the witches. He taunts them and says that he wants to believe that they are women but their beards lead him to believe they are men. 
  • The Witches respond by hailing him as thane of Glamis (which he currently is), thane of Cawdor (he has not heard the news yet), and future king. 
  • Witches also go on and tell Banquo his children will be kings. 
  • Macbeth wants to hear more but the witches disappear into thin air. 
  • Ross and Angus enter and inform Macbeth of King Duncan's decision to execute the thane of Cawdor and give him the title. Banquo is shocked because the witches' prophecy came true. 
  • Macbeth begins to realize that there might be some truth to the witches' prophecy. 
  • Scene 4: Duncan formally thanks Macbeth for every  he's done and bestows upon him the title of Thane of Cawdor. 
  • Malcolm becomes prince of Cumberland and Macbeth realizes that in order to become king, he must take him out because he's in his way. 
  • Scene 5: Lady Macbeth reading letter Macbeth sent her telling her about the witches and their prophecy and how It came true.  
  • She tells Macbeth he will become king, but she worries that he is too much of a wimp to actually go through and assert himself and get what he wants. 
  • King Duncan is going to be staying at Macbeth's castle. Lady Macbeth tells the spirit to make her remorseless and cruel. 
  • Enter Macbeth; Lady Macbeth encourages him to kill Duncan but to look as innocent as a flower.  
  • Scene 6: King Duncan finally arrives at Macbeth's castle. 
  • Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth set up a façade of kindness to the King in order to squash any suspicion.  
  • Scene 7: Macbeth is contemplating whether to kill Duncan or not; sees a floating dagger pointing towards the King's quarters.  
  • Lady Macbeth enters and Macbeth tells her he is having second thoughts about killing Duncan because he just honored him. 
  • Lady Macbeth calls him a coward and questions his manhood, so naturally Macbeth needs to prove her wrong. 
  • Also says that she would be willing to smash her own infant child's head in if she needed to. (Proves how psychotic and power-hungry Lady Macbeth is). 
  • Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth she'll get Duncan's guards super drunk, leaving Duncan vulnerable and then blame his death on them. 
  • Macbeth decides he's going to do it.

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