Sunday, August 18, 2013

1987 AP Exam Multiple choice answers and commentary

Correct answers are designated by a check mark (✓)while incorrect answers will be designated by a cross (✖). 1.C✓ 2.E✖ 3.C✓ 4.E✓ 5.A✖ 6.B✖ 7.E✓ 8.B✓ 9.E✓ 10.C✓ 11.C✖ 12.A✖ 13.B✓ 14.C✓ 15.E✖ 16.B✓ 17.C✓ 18.E✓ 19.B✖ 20.B✓ 21.E✓ 22.C✖ 23.A✓ 24.A✓ 25.D✖ 26.B✖ 27.E✖ 28.C✓ 29.A✓ 30.B✓ 31.A✖ 32.B✓ 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.c✖ 47.B✓ 48.A✓ 49.C✓ 50.E✖ 51.C✓ 52.A✖ 53.E✓ 54.C✖ 55.E✓ 56.B✓ 57.C✓ 58.D✓ 59.C✖ 60.D✖ 61.E✖ (I could not find questions 33-45 so they will not be counted). I got a 28/48, which is a 3. The poem used for questions 16-32 had a strange syntax and style which was a bit confusing and convoluted. Occasionally, I wasn't sure what the authors were trying to covey or didn't catch the symbolism they used. I definitely need to brush up on my vocabulary and literary/poetry terms as well as learn the different poetry rhyming stanza forms. The questions I found the easiest were the ones that you can directly infer from the text and were more straight-foward in what they were asking.

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