Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you In Loco Politico.

Since I was in middle school, I've had an intense passion for everything politics and current events. This has made me somewhat of a black sheep amongst my friends because as they wanted to discuss cartoons, I wanted to talk about the 2008 Election.
This passion has only gotten more intense as I got into high school and began to understand the issues better and began developing my political ideology.
While hobbies typically develop into passions, mine started the other way. This past year I teamed up some fellow like-minded friends of mine (Mia Levy & Izamar Diaz) and created In Loco Politico.
In Loco Politico developed from an interest in politics and current events, yet a lack of reporting we as young adults can relate to. We say a void in the world of open source journalism, where everyday people can become journalists and start discussions. We cover the stories from the perspective of young adults, people who will be able to vote in the next election cycle. We saw it as our duty to provide a platform for others to discuss the pressing issues and events that occur every day but we might not always hear about.
We plan on expanding In Loco Politico further by including authors from every walk of life to get the full perspective of issues from around the world. We also plan on having a discussion forum where our readers (and authors) will be able to discuss the topic and bring in their views and knowledge into the discussion.

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