Sunday, October 13, 2013


My name is O. and I'm trapped in this weird sort of dating thing-- a prince says he loves me, but my father & brother hate him and tell me to stay away. What should I do?

Dear O,
Oh sure sounds like you're in a gargantuan conundrum here. Well, first of all, you should ask yourself some questions: can you see yourself with him in 5 years? in ten years? You're love for him might be very ephemeral and you will soon get over him and his bad boy attitude. Are you truly in love with him or is it just a flame of passion? See, O, love is hard and difficult. And I understand you're in a sticky situation but you must consider what your brother and dad are saying. Is what they're saying true? If so, then juxtapose the good that you see in him with the bad your family is warning you about. This will take so time and hard thought, but the right decision will come to mind once you're done.

Sincerely, Javier

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