Wednesday, October 30, 2013

tools that change the way we think

The vast (and seemingly infinite) amount of knowledge on the internet has made me much more intelligent and much more impatient. I can learn just about anything on a plethora of subjects and topics; from aardvarks to zyzzyvas, from pi to e and everything in between. Some may argue that they've learned more on the web than in school! My memory is so clogged with useless facts (if you farted consistently for 6 years and nine months, enough gas is created to produce the energy of an atomic bomb). I guess they'd be interesting ice breakers, but I digress. The internet is addicting because knowledge is addicting. Sometimes I'll be on Wookiepedia (Star Wars Wiki) just to check the specs of the Death Star and find myself reading about the Yuuzhan Vong war two hours later. You get so lost in your discoveries and you want to learn more. You can't simply stop. I often lose my sense of time when I'm on the web because you never run out of things to do. Like, EVER. And if you do, you aren't interesting hard enough.The internet makes me bring up vague connections between something I already know and something I just learned. I love immersing myself in history, math, science, politics, news, and random facts on the internet. It has made me much more eager to learn more and have the capability of doing so. If I see a painting I like, I can easily take a picture and use tineye to find similar images. The internet, however, also shortened my patience. I am so accustomed to having all the answers at the tips of my fingers. The internet has made me unsatisfied with the knowledge I have and make me crave more. It has made life a lot more fast paced and busy. If you do not know that Kim Kardashian got proposed to (for the umpteenth time) (no disrespect to Kanye) within thirty minutes, you are out of the loop. Stay off the internet for a week and see how out of the loop you become. There is no time to be idle anymore, we're always checking either our social networking sites or the news (even on the toilet).

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