Tuesday, February 11, 2014


  1. I'm passionate about a couple things. Mainly science and politics/current events. I want to become an aerospace engineer and/or a journalist/political commentator.
  2. I think I'm using the tools I gathered from the previous semester and the internet quite well. I still need to the internet to my advantage more and increase my range and outreach through it.
  3. I will need to expand In Loco Politico and help it burgeon. Hopefully add more authors on it and curate discussions on the topics at hand. 
  4. Honestly, just the fact that I'm someone my age doing this. I really didn't have anyone egg me on or force me to do it. I mean, do you really know any other teenager as aware of this stuff as me? Also, my writing style. 
  5. I already have made my idea reality. 
  6. I already have two of my good friends as co-authors to the blog. I want to expand and add the general public in the discussion. I want to be in touch with people from all walks of life; from politicians, to activists, to every-day people affected by the issues we cover on ILP. 

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