Monday, March 3, 2014

Super 5

  1. Anderson Cooper: Host of CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, journalist. As one of the most respected professional in his Field, I feel as if Mr. Cooper would be able to provide the needed tips and constructive Criticism that I would need in order to Continue and grow In Loco Politico.
  2. Cornell West: Philosopher, activist, public intellectual. I have known about Dr. West since middle school and since then I have admired him. Preaching on a base of love and understanding, Dr. West would provide the needed inspiration and can serve as a guest author/commentator on our blog. I believe any reader of ILP will benefit from his presence. 
  3. David Preston: English teacher, Creator of Open Source Learning. Dr. Preston is my AP English teacher and one of my mentors. His ideas of open source learning have been vital to the creation of ILP and its use of crowdsourcing for information. Dr. Preston has an extensive network of colleagues that I can take advantage of.
  4. Rachel Maddow: Political commentator, host of MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show. Ms. Maddow is another well respected and experienced professional in the field of journalism that I feel will be able to help me further develop my journalistic skills.
  5. Izamar Diaz: Fellow student. Izamar has been my friend since middle school. Much like myself, she also shares a passion for politics and current events. She is one of the few people I can have proactive discussions with on these subjects. She is already part of the ILP group and is already writing articles for it. I am excited to see what future contributions she makes.

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